Customize Packing Slip Templates with Variables | How To
ShippingEasy offers nearly limitless options to customize your Packing Slips. If you are just starting, learn how to create a Packing Slip Template.
If the prebuilt Template options look good to you, there is nothing more to do. But if you want to customize the content or layout of those Packing Slips, you can design a custom Template.
This how-to guide provides more details about the customization tools available:
Use the Format Tool Bar to apply formatting to text.
Bold |
Applies Bold formatting to selected text. |
Italic |
Applies Italic formatting to selected text. |
Underline |
Applies Underline formatting to selected text. |
Font Family |
Applies specified font family to selected text. |
Text Size |
Applies specified font size to selected text. (Not applicable to Shipment Line Items.) |
Alignment |
Control alignment of selected text or objects. |
Insert Table |
Insert a table by selecting the number of boxes to represent rolls and columns. Format an existing table. Options include:
Bullets |
Add numeric or bullets to a list. |
Hyperlink |
Reserved for Email Templates. |
Undo or Redo Action |
Quickly reverse an action or reapply an action that was removed. |
View Template in an HTML editor. *To save changes made in the HTML editor, click the icon again to return to the WYSIWYG editor and click Save. |
In your email, you can insert fields using a special syntax. Each field variable is enclosed in curly brackets: {{ }}.
When ShippingEasy generates the Packing Slip, it will substitute the correct value for that field. In the example above, the name of your customer is inserted.
ShippingEasy supports a wide variety of variable fields. See a list of all variables and their definitions.
Variables are available from the 3 menus in the toolbar: Store, Recipient, and Shipment.
Store Variables |
Recipient Variables |
Shipment Variables |
Click in the body of the Packing Slip, with your mouse, where you would like to insert the variable.
Then, select the option you need from the Variable menus.
Variables can also be typed using a special syntax. See the full list of variables to copy and paste.
The {{shipment.line_items}} variable generates a table of line items included in orders. It is useful without modification and also supports substantial customization.
Customization Options:
Add and Arrange Columns: line item data is represented as columns. These can be added or removed to display the information that your pickers, packers, and customers need.
Sorting line items: line items can be sorted by a variety of values.
Product image size: adjust the size of product images.
Formatting: add grid lines or alternating row shading.
Custom Columns: add blank columns or checkboxes with custom titles for internal notations.
Font type is adjustable, but may not be visible when previewing Templates.
Font size is not adjustable.
Alternative line item variables are available but lack the same level of customization.
Copy and paste the entire line, including the {{ curly brackets }} at each end, into your Packing Slip Template:
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'name' | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total'}}
Columns of Line Item Data
By default, five values are displayed:
Available Values
Any of the available values may be assigned to a column. The order of the values determines the order of the columns.
Below is a list of all values available for sorting or displaying in columns:
bundle_details: the items within the bundle and their details are displayed below the bundle in the appropriate columns, obtained from the Products catalog.
condition: Amazon condition note.
custom_ : add custom columns (see Customs Columns section below for more info).
format_grid: add grid lines.
format_striped: add shading to every other line.
image: mapped from the Product Catalog (default 75x75 pixels).
image_size: specify an image size other than the default.
item name: product name, obtained from order/store (requires the use of vertical bar separators).
master_sku: unique identifier associated with the underlying product of an SKU alias.
name: product name, obtained from order/store (does not require vertical bar separators).
name_and_product_options: product name with product options listed on separate lines. These are obtained from the store.
name_and_bundle: product name with bundled items (and quantity) included. These are obtained from the Product Catalog.
qty: count of unique product.
qty_multiple: a solid "diamond" image - only displayed if qty is greater than 1.
price: original cost of individual product.
sku: unique identifier associated with each product.
total: calculated by multiplying qty by price.
warehouse_bin: displays the warehouse bin for each SKU.
The 'item name' variable is used by default and requires vertical bar separators to be placed between all column variables. The 'name' variable can be used without the need for vertical bar separators if preferred.
By default, line items are sorted by item name. You can also specify any of the above available column values for the sort order.
Note, only a value included as a column can be used to sort the line items.
Indicate which column controls the sort order by editing the term after "sort". In the following example, the line items are sorted by product SKU.
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'sku' | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total'}}
Additional Option to Sort Bundled Items by Warehouse Bin
In addition to sorting the individual line items of the Packing Slip, you may sort the components of a bundled SKU.
To do so, add two specific variables to the column list:
When both variables are included, the components of a bundled SKU will be sorted by warehouse bin.
For example, the shipment line items variable can be modified as follows:
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'sku' | columns: 'warehouse_bin|sku|qty|item name|bundle_details_by_warehouse_bin'}}
Notice how both the warehouse_bin and bundle_details_by_warehouse_bin attributes have been included as columns. When the Packing Slip is generated, the example looks like this:
The bundle_details_by_warehouse_bin does not display as an additional column. Rather, it directs the sorting of the warehouse_bin column.
By default, all images from the Product Catalog are sized at 75x75 pixels. You can change the size of product images by specifying a size with image_size.
The image_size attribute is added after a | pipe, at the end of the shipment.line_items variable.
For example, the images on this Packing Slip are 60x60 pixels.
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'name' | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total|image' | image_size: '60x60'}}
By default, the line items are displayed without any formatting. A formatting option can be inserted into the list of requested columns to draw grid lines or add a shaded background.
Grid Lines Around Rows and Columns
To draw grid lines around the list of line items, add format_grid to the columns list.
{{shipment.line_items | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total|format_grid'}}
Alternating Rows with a Shaded Background
To add a shaded background to alternating rows, add format_striped to the columns list.
{{shipment.line_items | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total|format_striped}}
It is possible to add additional blank columns with custom titles. Custom columns do not include any text, symbols, or formatting in the rows below the header. Rather, custom columns provide space for shippers to make notations on Packing Slips.
To add your own custom columns to the list of line items, specify a column name that starts with custom_. Then include the column name after this notation.
For instance, the following would display a column titled "Checked", with blank rows listed below:
{{shipment.line_items | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total|custom_Checked'}}
Custom columns are only displayed in the header of the list of line items. The entry in that column for each product will be blank.
It is possible to create checkboxes by adding custom columns and grid formatting.
To add checkboxes to your Packing Slips, first create a custom column, as described above.
Then add grid formatting by inserting format_grid into the list of lines of requested columns.
For instance, the following would display a column titled "Checked" with grid lines around the list of line items, providing blank checkboxes:
{{shipment.line_items | columns: 'sku|qty|item name|price|total|custom_Checked|format_grid'}}
Similar to the {{shipment.line_items}} variable, there are other variables that will display a list of shipment line items:
{{shipment.list_of_items}} - variable displays products on a single line, just like {{shipment.line_items}}.
{{shipment.list_of_items_and_bundles}} - variable lists bundled items below each Item Name.
{{shipment.combined_line_items}} - variable displays the list of line items for a combined order, listing each SKU just once even if the SKU was contained in multiple orders.
By default, all these variables include four columns: Item Name, QTY, Price, Total. Line items are sorted by Item Name.
Some of these variables can be modified, while others cannot.
Customizable Shipment Line Item Variables
These variables allow for modification. Columns can be added or removed and line items may be sorted, per the methods above.
Shipment Line Item Variables which Cannot Be Modified
Use these variables when the additional customization of the {{shipment.line_items}} variable is not needed.
Using the top toolbar navigation, you can add your store logo by selecting the Store icon and Logo from the drop-down.
The store logo variable will be inserted into the Packing Slip. There is special handling for the {{store.logo}} variable that allows you to control the exact width and height.
By default, the variable looks like this:
Add an additional image_size: attribute after a | pipe to define the logo dimensions. Review our troubleshooting article if your logo is appearing distorted.
{{store.logo | image_size: 'WxH'}}
In place of W and H, specify the pixels for the width (W) and height (H).
For example, this logo will be 200px wide by 400px tall:
{{store.logo | image_size: '200x400'}}
If you have saved images to your Image Library, these can be added to your Packing Slips.
You can also insert images not yet saved to your library, in one of two ways:
Clicking the Image icon in the toolbar.
Drag and drop the images into the body of the Packing Slip Template.
By default, the image size will be limited by the file dimensions. You can change the size of the image by specifying the dimensions by clicking the image and then clicking the Change Size icon from the menu that appears under the image.
In addition, there is special handling for the {% custom_image %} variable that allows you to control the exact width and height.
The variable looks like this:
{% custom_image #_label %}
"image_#" refers to the order in which the image was uploaded to your library and "label" refers to the Label name you entered when you added your custom image to the IMAGE LIBRARY settings.
Add an additional image_size: attribute, after a | pipe, to define the image dimensions.
{% custom_image #_label | image_size: 'WxH' %}
In place of W and H, specify the pixels for the width (W) and height (H).
For example, this image will be 10px wide by 20px tall.
{% custom_image 1_shippingeasy | image_size: '10x20' %}
It is possible to display order numbers and product SKUs as barcodes on Packing Slips.
The default variable will display the order number as regular text:
To display the order number barcode attribute, add an additional barcode: attribute, after a | pipe. Then specify the type of barcode. Learn more about barcode scanning in ShippingEasy.
For example, this will show the code128 style barcode:
{{shipment.order_number | barcode: 'code128'}}
The order number barcode is small by default. Though, it can be printed in one of three sizes:
To use a different size, specify the size in the attribute within the quotes:
For example, this will display a medium-size barcode:
{{shipment.order_number | barcode: 'code128 medium'}}
The item SKU is displayed as part of the {{shipment.line_items}} variable. The variable is a special case because it produces a table of output with line-item details that you specify via a list.
For example, to display the SKU, quantity, name, and price of each line item in the order, use:
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'name' | columns: 'sku|qty|name|price'}}
For any value that you want to be displayed as a barcode instead, just add the barcode_ attribute to the name. Then append the barcode format onto the variable. Learn more about barcode scanning with ShippingEasy.
For example, this will display the SKU as a barcode in the code128 format:
{{shipment.line_items | sort: 'name' | columns: 'sku_barcode_code128|qty|name|price'}}
The size of the item SKU barcode cannot be customized. It is a set size to optimize the alignment of the table columns.
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- customize
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- dimensions
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- logo
- variables
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- image
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- Shipment_Line_Items
- location