Add a Logo to Shipment Notification Emails | How To
You can add your store logo to your shipment notification email template. Before you get started, make sure your logo is uploaded in your Store Settings.
The logo must be a 16-bit JPG, GIF, or PNG file format and no larger than 1 MB.
To add your store logo to a shipment notification email template:
Click the Store Variables menu from the top toolbar, then select Logo.
The store logo image will be inserted into the email.
There is special handling for the {{ store.logo }} variable that allows you to control the exact width and height of the image.
To specify the logo dimensions, add the following information: {{ store.logo | image_size: 'WxH' }}
Specify the pixels for the width (W) and height (H). For example: {{ store.logo | image_size: '200x400' }}
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