Change Billing Information - ShippingEasy Subscription

If your credit card is approaching its expiration date or if your credit card information has changed, you will want to update ShippingEasy and your shipping providers with your new billing information to avoid any interruption in service.

If the card has expired, you will be taken directly to the SUBSCRIPTION & BILLING page upon login. You will not be able to use ShippingEasy until you've entered a valid credit card.

Change Your Billing Information

To change your billing information:

  1. Click the Billing Information tab. Then, click the Update button.

    Billing info tab with Update link highlighted
  2. Select to use a Credit or Debit Card or PayPal to update your payment information. Then choose Next.

    Update Payment method pop-up on Subscription and Billing page
  3. Enter the new ShippingEasy payment information. Then, click Save.

    • Credit or Debit Card: Enter the Card Number and CVV, Expiration, Name, and Address.

      Enter billing details then click the save button.
    • PayPal: Enter the Email or Phone Number to log in, click Next, or Create an Account.

      PayPal Login Popup

    The billing information shown will not be updated until the next billing cycle. The payment method will be used for ShippingEasy's subscription, applicable taxes, and insurance purchases.

Need to Update the One Balance Payment Method?

Update the payment method associated with One Balance, used to pay for label purchases, by checking the Also update credit card for USPS postage purchases box.

In section ShippingEasy Monthly Subscription & Add-ons shows check box for also update the credit card used for USPS postage purchases

The One Balance billing method can be updated directly from as well. Learn how to update your information on Payment methods for all other carriers must be updated with the carrier directly.


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