Store Settings
ShippingEasy Content Team
Configuring your store settings is important when setting up your ShippingEasy account or after integrating a new store. These settings give you the full benefit of shipping fast - and saving money. Each store setting is divided into five categories: Store Info, Branding, Products, Orders, and Notifications.
The Store Settings can be found for each store by following these steps:
Click any of the tabs below to learn more about your settings options in each category:
Store Info
The Store Info tab is where the identifying information about each particular store is located and can be updated at any time. Fill out the fields with the information you want to display to your customer.
Phone number is not displayed to your customer by default.
Field |
Description |
Store Name |
Name of your store auto-populated from integration information. Shown in the subject line and included in salutations of default confirmation emails. |
Phone |
Phone number with option to update. Can be included on templates, but isn't included anywhere by default. |
Email with the option to update. Included in salutations of default confirmation emails. |
Website |
Store website. The default address is shown on the packing slip and included in salutations of default confirmation emails. |
Shipping Address |
Address of warehouse where your store ships from. Used for creating shipping labels and shown on packing slips. Will show on the label as "Ship From" or "Return" address. Find out how the Ship From address is assigned to orders. |
Ship From Postal Code |
For USPS Only. If you ever need to drop your packages off at a zip code other than that listed as your default return address, then you can opt to use an alternate zip code for the purposes of calculating your postage rates. |
In the Branding tab, you can add your store's logo to be used in emails and packing slips.
Ensure the file you upload is under 1 MB in size and in JPG or PNG format
Field |
Description |
Select a store logo for emails and packing slips |
Upload your store logo to include on shipment communication. |
Select a store logo for USPS labels |
your USPS shipping labels by uploading your store logo. |
Add a packing slip message |
Include a customized note on packing slips that includes order details, promotions, and offers. |
The products tab controls if products are added to your product catalog and if the uploads include product options. By default, ShippingEasy will automatically save most products to the Product Catalog. However, if you've disabled downloads or orders that come from a 'push' style store, then products will not be saved.
The following stores push orders into ShippingEasy and do not allow automatic product downloads:
Navigator Business Systems
To ensure that the Product Options (like size, color, flavor, etc.) are visible in ShippingEasy, you will want to turn on the Display Product Options functionality to display these attributes from within your Store Settings.
Field |
Description |
Add Products Automatically |
Checked by default, automatically uploads product details into ShippingEasy on order import. |
Disable automatic product catalog upload |
Check this if you do not want to show additional product details like size, color, etc., on packing slips, pick lists, emails, and the Orders page. |
The Orders tab controls how you import your store's orders into ShippingEasy and which statuses download. Additionally, you can set up the option to correct domestic addresses that do not verify on import.
Field |
Description |
Disable automatic order downloads |
Download orders into ShippingEasy manually. |
Automatically standardize and correct all domestic addresses when verified |
When this option is checked, ShippingEasy will automatically change domestic addresses for which there is a suggested improvement. |
Download orders from my store with the following statuses |
Certain stores allow you to select which order statuses are downloaded. Learn more about syncing order statuses. |
The Notifications tab has options to adjust confirmation and return email settings. In the confirmation email settings, there are options to send Shipment Confirmation as well as Delivery Confirmation emails. There are two things to keep in mind when configuring these two settings:
If you have these emails set up to be sent out of your store when orders are marked as shipped, those emails will still send. Make sure it’s only your store or ShippingEasy that is sending those emails, otherwise, your customer will get two sets of email notifications.
Delivery confirmation emails only work with USPS, FedEx, and UPS shipments.
Field |
Description |
Send notice for post-dated labels |
Delay notification of purchase of a label until the shipment date. |
Send shipment confirmation email to buyer |
Option to send an email to the buyer when an order has shipped along with the tracking number. |
Send a delivery confirmation email to buyer with delivery details (USPS only) |
Currently only offered by USPS, you can opt to notify a customer when a package has been scanned as "delivered" by USPS. |
Send a return shipping email to the buyer |
Automatically generate a return shipment notification email that includes the shipping label a user can attach to their package and send back to you. Only prepaid return shipping labels may be emailed automatically from ShippingEasy. |
Send a copy of shipment confirmation and return to shipping emails to |
Indicate store email where a blinded copy of the confirmation and return shipping emails sent to customers can be directed. Open the drop-down menu to choose the email template you would like to use. |
Send a copy of delivery emails to |
Indicate store email where a blinded copy of delivery emails sent to customers can be directed. |
Send buyer email replies to |
Indicate store email where customer replies can be directed, visible to the customers in the Reply-to field. |
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