ConnectEasy Application
ShippingEasy Content Team
ConnectEasy is an all-in-one tool for printing shipping labels and weighing packages that enables ShippingEasy to integrate with your hardware in a wide range of configurations.
Once installed, ConnectEasy provides an array of additional settings and information, available under each tab.
Click through the tabs for your current OS. Having issues? Take a look at our troubleshooting guide.
Welcome to ConnectEasy: Details your account name and the connected computer. View your printing history at Login may be required.
Note provides options to manage the details of your account. If you change your password on this account, ShippingEasy will no longer have a record of your password and will not be able to provide support assistance. We recommend keeping original password settings.
Help: Go to ShippingEasy's FAQ page for ConnectEasy.
Logout: Log out of ConnectEasy from your current computer. To log back in, you must grab your credentials from within ShippingEasy (SETTINGS >> CONNECTEASY >> Passphrase).
Quit: Disconnect ConnectEasy. To reconnect, click the icon on your desktop or launch from the Start menu (START >> ALL PROGRAMS >> CONNECTEASY >> ConnectEasy).
Printers active by default: Add checkmarks to any printers listed in the table to make them active in ConnectEasy. Add a checkmark to the 'Printers active by default' to record your default printers in the table.
Printer: A list of printers installed on your computer.
Status: Individual printer statuses may be "Offline", "Online", or "Idle". Only "Online" printers can receive print jobs.
Page Width (in) & Page Height (in): Overrides your Mac's default paper settings. If you experience problems with labels printing out in landscape (rather than portrait orientation), enter dimensions here.
Printer Must Be Attached to Override Paper Settings
These settings only work if the printer is attached to the computer on which ConnectEasy is installed. Networked printers will not recognize this setting.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Refresh: Refreshes the list of USB scales you have connected to your Mac.
Enable Scales: Check this box if you'd like to integrate your scale with ShippingEasy.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Retain print job contents after printing: Keeps a PDF copy of each label printed, in the following locations:
Mac: ~/.printnode/shippingeasy/9/printjobs
Proxy Settings: Select a proxy server option when using a dedicated computer or software system on a computer that acts as an intermediary between your workstation and internet connection.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Copy to Clipboard: If you are ever asked to provide your logs to the ShippingEasy Customer Success team, you can easily click Copy to Clipboard and then paste it into an email.
Send to Support: Sends a record of print logs to the developer, PrintNode. If you experience an issue you want to report or are asked to send your logs to Print Node, click this button.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
View License: Directs you to a web page inside your browser that details your user license for ConnectEasy.
Version: Displays the installed version.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Welcome to ConnectEasy: Details your account name and the connected computer. View your printing history at Login may be required.
Password Changes provides options to manage the details of your account. If you change your password on this account, ShippingEasy will no longer have a record of your password and will not be able to provide support assistance. We recommend keeping original password settings.
Help: Navigate to ShippingEasy's FAQ page for ConnectEasy.
Logout: Log out of ConnectEasy from your current computer. To log back in, you must grab your credentials from within ShippingEasy (SETTINGS >> CONNECTEASY >> Passphrase).
Quit: Disconnect ConnectEasy. To reconnect, click the icon on your desktop or launch from the Start menu (START >> ALL PROGRAMS >> CONNECTEASY >> ConnectEasy).
Printers active by default: Add checkmarks to any printers listed in the table to make them active in ConnectEasy. Add a checkmark to the 'Printers active by default' to record your default printers in the table.
Printer: A list of printers installed on your computer.
Status: Individual printer statuses may be "Offline", "Online", or "Idle". Only "Online" printers can receive print jobs.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Refresh: Refreshes the list of USB scales you have connected to your PC.
Enable Scales: Check this box if you'd like to integrate your scale with ShippingEasy.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Retain print job contents after printing: Keeps a PDF copy of each label printed, in the following locations:
Windows: %HOMEPATH%/.printnode/shippingeasy/9/printjobs
Proxy Settings: Select a proxy server option when using a dedicated computer or software system on a computer that acts as an intermediary between your workstation and internet connection.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
Copy to Clipboard: If you are ever asked to provide your logs to the ShippingEasy Customer Success team, you can easily click Copy to Clipboard and then paste it into an email.
Send to Support: Sends a record of print logs to the developer, PrintNode. If you experience an issue you want to report or are asked to send your logs to Print Node, click this button.
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
View License: Directs you to a web page inside your browser that details your user license for ConnectEasy.
Version: Displays the installed version
Ready: Indicates ConnectEasy is ready for use. If this says "Disconnected", you'll need to reconnect ConnectEasy.
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