How do I view my LuLaRoe BLESS orders by Pop-Up?
Each LuLaRoe order sent by BLESS to your ShippingEasy account is from a specific Pop-Up that you created in BLESS. ShippingEasy provides tools you can use on our ORDERS page to make it easy to ship by Pop-Up.
ShippingEasy provides optional columns on the ORDERS page. The Custom Field 1 column will display the name of the BLESS Pop-Up for your LuLaRoe orders.
How to view the BLESS Pop-Up for LuLaRoe orders in ShippingEasy
Go to the ORDERS page.
Click the More drop-down menu, then select Arrange Columns.
Scroll down the list of available columns to the entry for Custom Field 1.
Click the arrow > to the right of the entry for Custom Field 1 or use your mouse to click and drag the Custom Field 1 entry to the Show columns list on the right. You can display the Custom Field 1 column wherever you want.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the list.
Your ShippingEasy ORDERS page will now include the name of your BLESS Pop-Up in the Custom Field 1 column alongside the rest of the order details.
Sorting columns on the ShippingEasy ORDERS page makes it easy to group together orders from the same Pop-Up. To use this feature, you will first need to enable the Custom Field 1 column. See the procedure above for more information.
Click the column name Custom Field 1 to sort all of your orders alphabetically by Pop-Up.
The ORDERS page will remain sorted by this column until you click a different column name.
Filters on the ShippingEasy ORDERS page make it easy to narrow down your unshipped orders for a specific Pop-Up.
How to view your LuLaRoe orders for a specific BLESS Pop-Up
Go to the ORDERS page.
Click More Filters in the filter toolbar above the orders.
Select the Custom Fields filter to expand.
Enter the name of your BLESS Pop-Up as the name of the custom field.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard to filter your orders.
Your ShippingEasy ORDERS page will now display only the orders from the Pop-Up that you specified.
Click the X next to the name of the custom field to clear the filter and see all of your orders.
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