Send Seasonal Shipment Notifications - Shipping Rules

Personalize your shipment notification emails with special seasonal messaging. With [Shipping Rules], you can choose to send specific Email Templates based on the month that the order was placed. 


Customer Marketing subscribers can also send seasonal email campaigns. [Learn how to send an automated campaign.]

Using a Shipping Rule to determine which Email Template is used for each order is convenient. With this rule, you do not have to remember to update the Email Template later on! Just create an Email Template for the season and then use the Shipping Rule to make sure that only orders placed during that time frame receive the email.

Before you create the Shipping Rule, you need to [create a custom Email Template] for your seasonal Shipment Notification. 

Here are a few ways that you could use this type of Shipping Rule:

  • If you update your brand for the holidays, change out your images in the Email Template for the month.

  • Send a special Cyber Monday coupon code in your Shipment Notification email to anyone who orders in October.

  • The month before your peak season or a new product release, add a promotional message to pique interest.


Enabling [ShippingEasy's Branded Emails] will override this rule.

  1. For example, "Apply Cyber Monday Email to October Orders".

  2. Set the "IF" condition to Order Month and then select "October" from the dropdown.

    if order month is equal to October
    • Order month | Is equal to | select the month

  3. You can further narrow down which orders will receive this Shipment Notification by adding [additional conditions.] Do so by clicking the grey +Add button.

    add button on shipping rules page
  4. Set the "THEN" action to the Send Shipment notice template and choose the corresponding email template you have created.

    Then rules set shipment notice template to october promotional email
    • Set shipment notice template | select the template you created


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