APC Postal Logistics with ShippingEasy
APC Postal Logistics is an international postage consolidator for distributing journals, magazines, direct mail, and small parcels for ecommerce sellers. Their innovative programs result in faster delivery times and reduced claims to provide a better overall experience for your international members and customers.
Interested in shipping with APC? Get a quote from APC Postal Logistics!
Connection Requirements:
Bring Your Own Carrier Account enabled
Account Username
Account Password
Contact APC
Phone: 866-892-3487
Email: shippingeasy@apc-pli.com
When you configure ShippingEasy to use your APC Postal Logistics account, ShippingEasy uses your APC Postal Logistics Username and Password to determine which specific APC Postal Logistics services are available to your account. If some services are listed, but other services are missing, contact APC Postal Logistics to verify that your account is correctly configured.
APC Services Available in ShippingEasy:
International Services
parcelConnect Expedited DDU
parcelConnect Expedited DDP
parcelConnect Priority DDU
parcelConnect Priority DDU w/Delcon
parcelConnect Priority DDU PQW
parcelConnect ePacket DDU
parcelConnect Priority DDP
parcelConnect Priority DDP w/Delcon
parcelConnect Standard DDU
parcelConnect Standard DDU PQW
parcelConnect Book Service
Shipping with APC Postal Logistics
All customs information for APC Postal Logistics international shipments is handled electronically when you create the shipping label. There is no need to create a printed copy of the customs form or commercial invoice, so there is no option on the SHIPMENT HISTORY page for creating a customs form on APC Postal Logistics shipments.
APC Postal Logistics does not support return shipment labels at this time.
APC Postal Logistics labels can include:
Only one APC Postal Logistics service, ePacket, provides the option for a signature on the label. However, the signature for ePacket is not required.
Tracking International Shipments
The following international services are available for APC tracking:
parcelConnect Expedited DDU
parcelConnect Expedited DDP
parcelConnect Priority DDU w/Delcon
parcelConnect ePacket DDU
parcelConnect Priority DDP w/Delcon
All shipments can be tracked on APC Postal Logistics' site. Once a label is successfully generated via ShippingEasy, the first tracking event will occur on the APC Postal Logistics website. For additional information, reach out to the APC Postal Logistics at info@apc-pli.com.
When notifying your customers, your Shipment Confirmation email template should include:
APC website link
Tracking number
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