Stock History
Available to Existing Inventory Management Subscribers
This feature is only available to existing Inventory Management subscribers. Non-Inventory Management subscribers can learn more about using the ShippingEasy Product Catalog.
We are not currently opening Inventory Management to new users or developing new features or functionality for our Inventory solution. This means that at this time we cannot address the issues you have with the current system.
If you need an inventory solution that lets you add your third-party fulfillment provider to your account, our sister company ShipStation may be a better solution for you.
ShippingEasy uses Stock History to determine if the true stock level for a product is known. This ensures that ShippingEasy has the correct stock levels of your products before sending stock updates to your stores.
There are three ways to set the stock level for the product to have Known Stock:
Set a positive stock level manually from the PRODUCT CATALOG or Product Details pages.
You can view your Known Stock Levels in the Stock column of the PRODUCT CATALOG.

The following are not eligible for store updates:
Any product that has a blank entry for the Stock column in the PRODUCT CATALOG and product exports.
Any product that displays in the Stock History > Unknown Stock Level filter results in the PRODUCT CATALOG.
Any product with the No Stock History indicator.
If you have enabled stock updates to your store and would like for these products to be included in the update, set the product stock level in ShippingEasy.
No Stock History identifies a product that has never had a stock level set in ShippingEasy. A stock level, which can be set by you or imported from your store, indicates to ShippingEasy that the product SKU has an accurate stock level.
A product that has No Stock History (aka Unknown Stock Level) will not be included in stock updates to your stores. This is because the true stock level of the product is uncertain until a stock value has been entered.
As soon as a stock level has been set in ShippingEasy (when the product has a Known Stock Level), the product becomes eligible for stock updates.
Learn more about sending stock updates to your store.
We've made it easy to identify your products with No Stock History:
In the Stock column of the PRODUCT CATALOG: You will see a blank, yellow cell.
In the PRODUCT CATALOG Stock History filter results: Products with No Stock History can be found by checking Unknown Stock Level.
On the Product Details page: A yellow No Stock History indicator will appear next to the Total Available stock.
In Product Export CSV files: When you export your product data from ShippingEasy, you'll see a blank cell in the Stock columns for any products with No Stock History.
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