View Revenue Generated for Campaigns | How To
ShippingEasy's Customer Marketing tool tracks revenue generation from your campaigns. This measures your email marketing's return on investment—how successful your campaigns are at driving business to your e-commerce site.
Every time you send out a campaign and your customers make a purchase based on your efforts, there is revenue generated from your email marketing. ShippingEasy credits the campaign with generating revenue and tracks this metric on your Campaign Details page.
ShippingEasy defines revenue generated as the following:
A purchase made from your store within five days of a buyer opening your marketing email.
ShippingEasy will detect the purchase and classify it as "Revenue Generated" for that specific campaign. By creating a list of contacts who received the campaign, you can view who made a purchase and the amount of revenue it generated.
ShippingEasy calculates this for all regular email campaigns and on any revenue-driving automated campaign that will increase sales, including:
Abandoned Cart
Automated Offers
"Buy It Again" Reminder
First-Time Buyer Coupon
Lapsed Customer Winback

You have the option to review your revenue-generated data and create contact lists to follow up with buyers.
To view revenue generated for your campaigns:
Click on the Sort by filter and select Revenue Generated.
On the CAMPAIGN page, the Revenue column will show your metrics for your present and past one-time campaigns as well as revenue-driving automated campaigns.
Click the Name of a campaign that has results for revenue generated to see additional details about the campaign.
Click the Revenue Generated link under the dollar amount shown.
A window will appear asking you to create a list of customers associated with the campaign. You can edit the name and add a description. Click Save when you are ready to create the list.
Click the name of the list that appears in the message in the top left of the app.
On the Revenue Generated List page, you will see a breakdown of Spend totals by each customer order contributing to the overall Revenue Generated. You can also see the orders that make up the total amount of revenue generated for that campaign.
That's it! Make sure you are actively monitoring the success of your campaigns by regularly checking your Revenue Generated number.
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