Carrier, Service, and Packaging | How To
The READY TO SHIP page allows you to select the Carrier, Service, and Packaging for your batch shipments. This guide shows one shipping method in ShippingEasy, where you move your batches to progress the shipment. If you need to process a single label, review our guide for the Order Details slide out.
Before accessing shipping rates, you must connect a carrier account to ShippingEasy. This enables you to compare rates and buy postage. Confirm which carriers have been connected on the ONE BALANCE AND CARRIERS page and add a carrier account if needed.
Once you have at least one carrier account connected, you can create batches on the ORDERS page. This involves selecting more than one order that you are 'ready to ship' to the READY TO SHIP page. Learn how to create a batch.
Now you should have your batch on the READY TO SHIP page.
You are ready to select a carrier and service for the batch. This is done in two or three stages:
Carrier Selections: every shipping label requires a specified carrier, carrier service, packaging, and/or weight and dimensions.
Additional Shipping Options: based on the carrier selections, other services may be selected, including scheduled pickup, insurance, and confirmation options.
Billing - International Shipments: determine who is billed for Customs Duties for UPS and FedEx shipments.
Customs Information: international, military, and territory-bound shipments require customs forms.
Select a shipping carrier from the Carriers dropdown menu. Only carriers connected to your ShippingEasy account will be available in this list.

Carrier Service
Once a shipping carrier has been selected, all applicable services for that carrier will be displayed under Carrier Service. Select the required carrier service for your shipment.

Once the carrier service has been selected, all compatible packaging options will be displayed under Packaging. Options may include Carrier Packaging, Custom Packaging, or Saved Packaging.

Carrier Packaging: These options are specific to the carrier service and include branded Flat Rate and standard-sized packaging.
Custom Packaging: Choose a custom packaging option when using any package type that is not associated with a flat-rate service. You may get these free from your carrier or source your packaging.
You will need to specify the dimensions of your packages when using custom packaging. Accurate package dimensions ensure an accurate rate quote, as many carriers assess dimensional (DIM) weight for low-density shipments.
Saved Packaging: Select from the custom packaging options you have already saved within your PACKAGE SETUP settings. Learn how to save a custom package.
The packaged weight is automatically calculated from the line items in your order. If your order does not include the weight for every line item, you will need to enter it manually. Find ways to automate order weights when not included or inaccurate in your store.
Accurate order weights are critical to accurate postage rates and avoiding surcharges for incorrect postage. Review the package weight and update it if necessary.
Enter the weight in the input boxes in pounds (lb) and ounces (oz). Then select Update to view the updated shipping cost.

Shipping Cost
After you have selected your package type, your shipping cost at the top of the page will automatically update. If the service includes Delivery Confirmation, this will be shown as well.

If you would like to add additional shipping options or this shipment requires customs forms, continue with the rest of this guide.
Otherwise, you are ready to buy a label.

Buy Label options help you quickly buy the label now.
Add to Cart will move the label to the READY FOR PAYMENT page to continue the checkout process.
Buy Label will immediately purchase the label and sends the label directly to your printer. This requires first integrating your printer with ShippingEasy via ConnectEasy. Learn more about ConnectEasy.
The ship date determines which USPS SCAN Form a label can be included on, as well as whether carrier pickup is available. The ship date will default to the current day.
To change the date, type the date into the input box. Or, click in the input box and a calendar will appear for you to select a date using your mouse.
Ship Date
The date cannot be a date in the past or more than 6 days ahead. For USPS pickup, select 1 day ahead.

Request a Pickup
If the carrier and service selections, and ship date, support a carrier pickup option, then this option is shown. To request a carrier pickup, select the Request a Pick-Up checkbox.

Once the label is purchased, ShippingEasy will notify the carrier that package pickup is required on the ship date. Learn about package pickup problems.
Signature Confirmation
Depending on your carrier and service selections, confirmation options will be shown. Many confirmation options come with an additional cost, which is shown next to the service name.
By default, None is selected. If you wish to add a confirmation service, select the service you need.

After making your selection, Total Shipping Cost will automatically update.
If you have selected a carrier service and package type that includes tracking, you are able to purchase insurance for your shipment. ShippingEasy partners with Shipsurance to provide affordable insurance coverage.
If you wish to add insurance, check the Add Insurance box.

Depending on the carrier selected, you may see carrier insurance as an option from the Provider menu. If you want to use carrier insurance instead of Shipsurance, select another option from the Provider menu.
Specify the declared value amount for the items you are shipping in the Insure to the value of $ field. Learn how much Shipsurance shipment insurance costs.
After making your selection, Total Shipping Cost will automatically update.
For international FedEx and UPS shipments, a billing section will be displayed. This section allows you to determine who is billed for Customs Duties. These can be handled by Sender, Recipient, or Third Party.

Recipient: When using Recipient as the payor of customs duties/taxes, there are optional fields for a FedEx account number and the account number’s postal code. If provided, that account will be billed instead of the recipient paying in cash
Sender: You are responsible for paying customs duties/taxes. This is the default selection.
Third-Party: When chosen, the FedEx account number and postal code must be specified, they are not optional for third-party payment.
FedEx Recipient or Third Party Duties and Taxes
FedEx policies state that should the Recipient or Third Party fail to pay duties and taxes, the sender is responsible for payment.
Recipient: This is the default. When used as the payor of customs duties/taxes, there are optional fields for a UPS account number and the account number’s postal code. If provided, that account will be billed instead of the recipient paying in cash.
Sender: You are responsible for paying customs duties/taxes.
Third-Party: When chosen, then the UPS account number and postal code must be specified, they are not optional for third-party payment.
Notes on UPS International Shipments
Batches: When modifying a batch of UPS international shipments, only two options are available for payment of customs duties/taxes: Sender and Recipient.
UPS One Balance from ShippingEasy: UPS One Balance does not support billing to sender or third-party billing.
For international shipments, ShippingEasy will automatically generate the necessary customs form for you. Each item within your package requires the following information:
Quantity, description, weight, value: these values are pulled automatically from your store
Harmonized Code, country of manufacture, package content-type: to save time, you can save these values to ShippingEasy. Then, every time you ship an international package, these values will automatically populate from your saved information. If a specific item requires different information, you can manually override the saved information. Learn how to save international shipment preferences.
The "Customs Information" provides the following options, which are discussed in more detail below:
Package content type
Goods Description
Overriding customs forms
Harmonized codes
Deleting an item

Package Content Type
The receiving country's customs agency requires information regarding the type of content included in your shipment. This enables them to assess if any duties and taxes are due correctly. By default, 'Commercial (sold item)' is selected unless you have specified the preferred default value in your INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT settings.
To change the Package Content Type, select another option from the drop-down menu.

Keep in mind, the content type applies to all line items in the package. If you need to specify different content types for different items, then you will need to split your order first within the ORDERS page. Learn how to split orders.
Goods Description
The Goods Description is required for all packages sent to Mexico. This is a description of the entire package contents, for example: 1 pair shoes, 1 sweater, 1 hat. Learn more about Carta Porte requirements when shipping to Mexico.

Overriding Customs Forms
If you need to edit the customs information for your shipment, you have the option to change individual line items or to simply override all of the information with a single line item.
Using the Override Customs Form button is the fastest way to update the customs information for your shipment.

This will override all the individual line item details in the order. So only use this option if the line items are all similar enough to share a common description.

If the line items are distinct, it is best to edit individual line items, as described below.
Adding or Editing an Item
The receiving country's customs agency uses the item descriptions to further evaluate the contents of the shipment.
To add a line item: click the Add button. Fill in the "Add Customs Item" information and Save it.
Item Weights
If you add an item, you will be required to enter the weight - this does not automatically update the package weight. If you require the package weight to be updated, then add the new weight in the weight input box, within the "Carrier Services" section of this page.

To edit the details of one existing item: click the name of the line item. Edit the details and select Save.

To edit the details of multiple items at the same time: select the checkbox for the item(s) you wish to edit. Then click the Edit button. Complete the required information and select Save.

Deleting an Item
If you need to delete an item or items, select the checkbox next to the item(s) and click Delete.

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Tags:- #pendo
- rate
- package
- pickup
- label
- customs
- ship
- weight
- insurance
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- international
- shipments edit
- orders
- dimensions