Select Customers for an Automated Campaign | How To
Automated Campaigns combine custom email templates with rule-based automation. Once you have created an email template, you can tell ShippingEasy under which circumstances to send the email. Emails will be triggered by order activity. Which orders trigger an email is determined by order and customer attributes.
To apply automation to your Campaigns, begin with setting up an Automated Campaign. Check out the setup guide.
When setting up an Automated Campaign, you will find these options to configure the rules:
People who meet the following conditions: Define customer and order attributes.
Schedule this email to: Specify when the email is sent.

Use the sections below to better understand the configuration options that begin at Step 8 of "Setup an Automated Campaign in this guide.
Emails are triggered by specific order activities. You can also choose how to time emails around those order activities. There are a couple of things you will need to decide:
Which order status do you want to trigger the Campaign to send?
The order is downloaded
The order is shipped
The order was delivered
The order placed 'X' days ago
How soon after that order event do you want to send the Campaign?
Use these answers to configure the second part of the "Set rules to define your audience automatically" section.
Send the Campaign immediately after the order is downloaded, shipped, or delivered.
Delay sending the Campaign for a certain number of days after the order is downloaded, shipped, or delivered.
For Lapsed Customers Winback and Buy Again Reminder campaigns, specify the number of days after the order event to send the campaign.
Whether or not an email is sent to a customer is determined by order and customer attributes. You can use a variety of conditions to narrow down which orders will trigger the email.
Carrier: orders sent by a specific shipping carrier
Contact status: customers who have bought only once in the past 120 days, or multiple times
Contact tags: assign tags to contacts and target buyers with specific tags. Learn how to manage tags.
Destination: orders shipped to a domestic or international address
The first-time buyer: detect the very first purchase made by a customer
Order total: customers who spend a certain amount
Product category: customers who buy products in specific categories
Purchased SKU: customers who buy specific products, identified by SKU
Purchased Item: customers who buy specific items, identified by a specified term
SKU tags: customers who buy specific products by SKU tags. Learn about product tags.
Total quantity: customers who buy in large quantity
Use the customer and order profile to configure the first part of the "Set rules to define your audience automatically" section.

Customer and order conditions are used to identify which orders will trigger the email to be sent. Each condition is checked against each order as they come into ShippingEasy. If all the conditions you specified for an automated campaign match the order, then an email is sent to the buyer for that order.
The Automated Campaign Setup Guide
Open the Automated Campaign setup guide to learn more about defining conditions.
The available conditions allow you to target specific types of customers. Customers are defined by the attributes of the buyer, the order, and the products in the order.
Here are a couple of ways to set up conditions:
This example shows a simple condition. Any order that has an order total of zero or more dollars will have an email sent to the buyer of that order. A good use for this approach is when you want a broad set of your buyers to receive the email from the automated campaign.
This example shows a more complex set of conditions: a second condition was set by clicking the + ADD another condition button.
For an order's buyer to receive an email from this campaign, the order must have a total greater than or equal to $100 and include the product that has the SKU C349-333. This allows you to very precisely target which of your buyers receive the email from an automated campaign.
Amazon sellers creating automated feedback campaigns will see an additional option to include the condition indicating whether or not to send emails to customers who left negative feedback:
Variable |
Parameter |
Description of orders targeted |
Customer tags |
Is Is not |
user-defined |
Assign tags of your choosing to your customers and use this condition to identify customers with a specific tag(s) |
Customer status |
Is Is not |
Recent Repeat |
Customers who have bought only once in the past 120 days, or multiple times |
First-time buyer |
Is true Is false |
Detect the very first purchase made by a customer |
Order total |
Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to |
enter number |
Customers who spend a certain amount |
Store |
Is Is not |
account specific |
Customers from a particular store |
Carrier |
Is Is not |
user-defined |
Identify customers by the shipping carrier used to ship their order. |
Total quantity |
Is equal to Is not equal to Is greater than or equal to Is less than or equal to |
enter number |
Identify customers who buy in large quantities. |
Destination |
Is equal to Is not equal to |
Domestic International |
Identify where customers live. |
Purchased SKU |
Is equal to Is not equal to Contains Does not contain Is blank Is not blank Starts with Does not start with Ends with Does not end with |
user-defined |
Customers who buy specific products identified by product SKU |
Purchased Item |
Is equal to Is not equal to Contains Does not contain Is blank Is not blank Starts with Does not start with Ends with Does not end with |
user-defined |
Customers who buy specific products are identified by a specified term. |
Product category |
Is equal to Is not equal to Contains Does not contain Is blank Is not blank Starts with Does not start with Ends with Does not end with |
user-defined |
Customers who buy products in specific categories |
SKU tags |
Is Is not |
user-defined |
customers who buy specific products by SKU tags. Learn more |
Buyer Feedback |
hasn't been received has been received |
customers who have or have not provided feedback on an Amazon order. Learn more. |
First ShippingEasy finds orders that qualify for your Automated Campaign, based on the conditions you set. Then it is time to determine when to send the email.

You can choose to have the email sent when the order is downloaded to ShippingEasy from your store or when a shipment is created for the order. In addition, you can control if the email is sent immediately after the order action, or if it is delayed.
Here are a couple of ways to define when an email should be sent:
This example shows when an email is sent immediately after the order is downloaded. One use of this approach is for sending "we are processing your order!" emails to your customers.
This example shows when an email is delayed until several days after the order is shipped. Typically this is done when you want to send a "how did you like the product?" email after the order ships and you want to allow time for receipt of the package.
This example shows when an email is sent after a shopping cart is abandoned. This is available only when the Abandoned Cart Template is enabled for Shopify orders. Set up an Abandoned Cart Campaign.
This example shows when an email is sent for inactive buyers. This is available only when the Lapsed Customer Winback Campaign is enabled. Learn how to select an Automated Campaign Template.
To send the email after the order is downloaded, but before it has been shipped:
Set the last field to downloaded.
To send the email after the order is shipped:
Set the last field to shipped.
To send the email immediately after the order action:
Set the first fields to Send Immediately.
To delay sending the email for one or more days after the order action:
Set the first field to Wait and send. Also, set the number of days to wait before sending.
When setting up an Automated Campaign, it is common to wait and send it many days after an order is received or shipped. To control the audience, you can choose to target past orders or limit to only future orders in the campaign. If including prior customers, any order received in ShippingEasy within the past 120 days may be eligible.
Many campaigns have a default wait and send time built into the scheduling options. Added to this is an option to also send to customers from past orders. By default, the dates for each of these schedules will be the same.
When selecting to send to customers from past orders, the Automated Campaign will be sent immediately after activation to past orders that match all the conditions. This helps you to reach customers who may have received their shipment or have orders already in transit.
If you do not send to customers from the past, then only orders placed after enabling the campaign will be eligible for the campaign.
In this example, we are setting up a Lapsed Customer Winback campaign. By default, the campaign will send 45 after the customer last placed an order.
By checking the box next to "Also send to customers from the" and leaving the default time to "past 45 days", any customer whose order was shipped 30 days ago will now receive the automated campaign in 15 days. Likewise, any customer who placed an order 45 days ago will be sent the campaign immediately.
If the option to send to past customers is not selected, then only customers who place an order after the campaign is enabled will receive the email. And the first emails will not be sent for 45 days.

In this example we are setting up a Product Review Request campaign to reach just-shipped customers as well as customers we know have already received their product. By default, the automated campaign will send 7 days after an order was shipped. We also checked the box next to "Also send to customers from the" feature selected and set the time to "past 30 days".
Now, a customer whose order was shipped 5 days ago will now receive your automated campaign in 2 days. And any customer who was shipped between the 7 and 30-day window will receive an immediate one-time email asking them for a product review request.
Your automated email selections will be verified on the confirmation page.

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Tags:- #pendo
- rules
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- answerbot_article_public
- option
- available
- email
- emails
- automatic
- list
- customer
- automated
- automate
- customers campaigns review
- drip
- automation
- conditions
- action
- condition
- segment
- actions
- automatically