
WooCommerce is an open-source ecommerce platform that allows you to build custom storefronts using Wordpress. WooCommerce integrates directly with ShippingEasy to automatically import orders so you can quickly start shipping. Once shipped, shipment data will be sent back to WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce Integration Requirements

Connection Requirements:

Determine your WooCommerce version:

  1. Log into your WordPress website as an administrator.

  2. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins, then scroll to the WooCommerce plugin.

    The version of WooCommerce that you have installed will be located in the description of the plugin.


Determine your WordPress version:

  1. Log into your WordPress website as an administrator.

  2. Click on the WordPress W symbol in the upper-left corner, then click About WordPress. Your WordPress version will be listed on this page.


SSL for Your WooCommerce Website

ShippingEasy HIGHLY recommends configuring your WooCommerce website for SSL (i.e., HTTPS connections) for both security and reliability. Learn more about setting up SSL for your WooCommerce website.

  • If you have SSL on your site, make sure the URL is https://www.myshop.com instead of http://www.myshop.com.

  • If your site is at https://www.example.com, make sure you haven’t entered https://example.com without the "www" in the URL.

Order Import Requirements:

Connect a WooCommerce Store to ShippingEasy

How to connect your WooCommerce to an existing ShippingEasy account

  1. Select WooCommerce from the Platform drop-down menu. You will then see one additional field: Store URL.

  2. Copy and paste the URL for your WooCommerce store into the Store URL field.


    Entering Your WooCommerce URL

    The WooCommerce store URL that you enter into ShippingEasy should be the root URL to your WordPress installation. In most cases, this will be something like http://www.myshop.com/.

    Sometimes the whole WordPress installation is installed in a subdirectory, so the URL might be something like http://www.myshop.com/wp/  or http://www.myshop.com/wordpress/.

    Visit the WordPress dashboard Settings > General page and make sure that the WordPress Address URL matches WooCommerce Store URL you are using in ShippingEasy.

  3. Click Save.

  4. On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter your username and password for your WooCommerce store so that ShippingEasy can connect to it and request the necessary permissions. Enter your login credentials, then click Login.

  5. After logging into your account, you will be prompted to give ShippingEasy access to your store, which is necessary for managing your store orders. Click Approve.

  6. After ShippingEasy is granted access to your store, you will be returned to your store settings page in ShippingEasy where you can enter information about your store.

    Click the Save button at the bottom of the store settings page.

That's it! Your store is connected to ShippingEasy!

WooCommerce Order Data

WooCommerce Standard Data Supported

ShippingEasy's WooCommerce integration supports the following features and order data fields:

Notes on Standard Data Supported for WooCommerce orders:

  • WooCommerce coupon codes will be listed in the Customer Comment section of the order in ShippingEasy.

  • When a WooCommerce order is shipped through ShippingEasy, the tracking number will be sent to WooCommerce as an Order Note. The order will then be updated to the Fulfilled status in WooCommerce.

    This is done to ensure shipment notifications are sent from WooCommerce directly, include the tracking information.


This integration allows you to define the Status Mappings for the store connection.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's email address with the order and can send customer shipment confirmation and delivery emails, which are configured in your Store Settings.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's phone number.

ShippingEasy will import the shipping method chosen by the customer at the time of checkout.

ShippingEasy will import the payment method used to pay for the order.

ShippingEasy will import discount and coupon information for the order.

ShippingEasy can determine if an order was placed as a gift.

Notes and comments can only be viewed in ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy will import notes left by the customer at checkout or added to the order once it has been imported to ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy allows you to consolidate multiple orders from a customer when they go to the same address.

ShippingEasy can split an order to accommodate changes in stock, different shipping locations, or multiple packaging needs.

Ship Date

The shipment status will update in the selling channel once a label is created.

Tracking Number

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of carrier fees when a label is created.

ShippingEasy will display notes left in a shipment once a label is created.

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of the items sent in a shipment.

Supported Order Statuses

WooCommerce order statuses map to ShippingEasy in the following way:

WooCommerce Status

ShippingEasy Status


Awaiting Shipment


Awaiting Shipment


Awaiting Shipment

Custom 1, 2, 3

Awaiting Shipment

ShippingEasy will sync PendingProcessing, and On-Hold WooCommerce orders by default. However, you have the flexibility to configure which order statuses get synced, including custom orders statuses, within your WooCommerce store settings. Learn more about selecting WooCommerce order statuses to sync to ShippingEasy.

This integration allows you to define the Status Mappings for the store connection.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's email address with the order and can send customer shipment confirmation and delivery emails, which are configured in your Store Settings.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's phone number.

ShippingEasy will import the shipping method chosen by the customer at the time of checkout.

ShippingEasy will import the payment method used to pay for the order.

ShippingEasy will import discount and coupon information for the order.

ShippingEasy can determine if an order was placed as a gift.

Notes and comments can only be viewed in ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy will import notes left by the customer at checkout or added to the order once it has been imported to ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy allows you to consolidate multiple orders from a customer when they go to the same address.

ShippingEasy can split an order to accommodate changes in stock, different shipping locations, or multiple packaging needs.

Ship Date

The shipment status will update in the selling channel once a label is created.

Tracking Number

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of carrier fees when a label is created.

ShippingEasy will display notes left in a shipment once a label is created.

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of the items sent in a shipment.

Import WooCommerce Orders with Custom Statuses

The WooCommerce Order Status Manager plugin allows you to create, edit, and delete custom order statuses and integrate them seamlessly into your order management flow.

If you create custom order statuses that you want ShippingEasy to sync to the ORDERS page, you will need to configure the order status in the Order Status Manager plugin, so it maps to one of the three custom order statuses (custom_1, custom_2, and custom_3) in your ShippingEasy WooCommerce Store Settings.

Configure ShippingEasy to Import Orders with Custom Order Statuses:

  1. Log into your WordPress site administrator dashboard.

  2. Select Settings in the WooCommerce menu.

  3. Click on the Order Statuses tab.

  4. Click on the name of the custom order status you want ShippingEasy to also sync to the ShippingEasy ORDERS page.

  5. Configure the Slug name for the custom order status to match one of the three ShippingEasy custom status names. We use custom_1 in this example.

    Click the Save Order Status button to save your changed Slug.

  6. Return to ShippingEasy and navigate to SETTINGS > INTEGRATION > STORES & ORDERS.

    Settings IN THE NAVIGATION bar is marked
    Integration then stores and orders
  7. Click Edit store settings for your WooCommerce store.

  8. Click the Orders tab in the store settings. Check the box next to the matching custom order status.

  9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.


ShippingEasy will now import orders from your WooCommerce store that have the matching custom order status.

Troubleshoot WooCommerce Orders and Shipments

Syncing Orders

ShippingEasy queries your WooCommerce store on a recurring basis to find any new orders that need to be downloaded.

If your WooCommerce orders are not being sent to ShippingEasy, there are a few common causes.

  1. Is the connection to your server timing out?

    Since WooCommerce stores are self-hosted, it's important to check that your server speed is fast enough. Slow sites may cause connections to time out. ShippingEasy may not be able to download orders if the speed is slower than 200 ms. Check your site speed.

  2. Does the order have a shipping address?

    ShippingEasy requires that orders have a shipping address to sync. Check the order in WooCommerce to see if there is both a 'billing' and 'shipping' address.

    If the 'shipping' address is missing, double-check how your shopping cart is configured to ensure that information is captured on orders that need to be shipped.

  3. Are you using the JetPack plugin?

    If you are using JetPack with WooCommerce, you will need to publicize the plugin to resolve issues with order syncing. Follow these steps to publicize your JetPack plugin.

Updating Shipped Orders

When shipping WooCommerce orders through ShippingEasy, the order status is updated after a label is printed.

If you notice that your orders are not updating in WooCommerce to Fulfilled or Complete after the label has been printed and at least one hour has elapsed, this could be caused by your store's callback path.

If you do not use permalinks for your WooCommerce store, updating your store's callback path can resolve shipment update errors.

How to update a WooCommerce callback path in ShippingEasy

  1. Navigate to your STORES & ORDERS page.

    Settings IN THE NAVIGATION bar is marked
    Integration then stores and orders
  2. Find your WooCommerce store and click Edit store settings.

  3. Look at the callback URL under Shipment Callback Path. Change the default Shipment Callback Path from /shipment/callback to: ?shipment=1&callback=1

  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

  5. Navigate to your SHIPMENT HISTORY page.

  6. Select the orders you want to update all at once by checking the boxes to the left of the orders.

  7. Click the drop-down next to the Resend/Retry button at the top of the page. Select the Retry Store Order Updates option. This will send a new shipment update to WooCommerce.

  8. Verify in WooCommerce that the order status has been correctly updated.

Incorrect Order Weights

If your order weights in ShippingEasy do not match what is in your WooCommerce store, double-check the weight settings in both ShippingEasy and WooCommerce.

For example, WooCommerce accounts with product weights in pounds may sync incorrectly if product weights are set to ounces in your ShippingEasy STORES & ORDERS settings for your WooCommerce store.

Learn more about editing your product weights in WooCommerce.

How to verify your ShippingEasy weight settings

  1. Navigate to your STORES & ORDERS page.

    Settings IN THE NAVIGATION bar is marked
    Integration then stores and orders
  2. Find your WooCommerce store and click Edit store settings.

  3. Go to the Products tab. Locate the drop-down menu under Weight Measurement. Verify that the unit of measurement matches your product weight unit in WooCommerce > Settings > Products.

  4. Click Save to confirm any changes.

WooCommerce Integration Notes

Editing Orders and Shipments

  • If you create a duplicate shipment from SHIPMENT HISTORY in ShippingEasy, the tracking number will NOT update in WooCommerce.

  • If you change the recipient address for an order in WooCommerce, that change will update in ShippingEasy during each automatic sync once per hour or via a manual sync. Learn more about order changes that sync in ShippingEasy.

    Orders will NOT update if:

    • The order is moved from the ORDERS page and later returned. Orders must remain on the ORDERS page to receive updates via the API during automatic sync.

    • If you manually adjust an order in ShippingEasy (add a line item, remove a line item, edit the address, etc.). We consider ShippingEasy to be the main source of information and will not check for updates within WooCommerce on future store syncs.

  • If you cancel an order in WooCommerce, the order will be removed from ShippingEasy during the next sync as long as the order has not been removed from the ORDERS page.

  • If the line items of a WooCommerce order are changed in any way in ShippingEasy, then ShippingEasy will NOT specify any line item information when sending the shipment information back to WooCommerce. This will cause WooCommerce to mark the entire order as Fulfilled.

    So, if you change the quantity of a line item in ShippingEasy, or add a line item, or remove a line item, ALL line items will be marked as Fulfilled in WooCommerce after you create a shipment for that order in ShippingEasy.

    If you split a WooCommerce order in ShippingEasy, WooCommerce will show the correct fulfillment status of each line item as long as you do not edit the line items in ShippingEasy.

Combining and Splitting Orders

  • When two WooCommerce orders are combined in ShippingEasy, both orders will NOT be updated in WooCommerce.

    There is a surviving and non-surviving order number. When the combined order is shipped:

    • The non-surviving order number WILL update in WooCommerce.

    • The surviving order number will NOT update in WooCommerce.

    The surviving order cannot be updated because it contains too many line items (the line items for both of the orders), and not all of the items are actually in the order in WooCommerce. This returns an error from WooCommerce, and ShippingEasy flags the order as unable to be updated. Learn more about filtering shipments that have failed to update to the store.

  • If you split a WooCommerce order in ShippingEasy, then ShippingEasy will update both tracking numbers to WooCommerce.

    However, WooCommerce does not have a "partially shipped" order status, which means the order status will update to Complete when the first shipment notification for the split order is sent to WooCommerce.

    Subsequent shipments for the split order will post the associated shipment information (e.g., tracking number) to the WooCommerce order.

Email Notifications

WooCommerce automatically sends shipment confirmation emails to your customer IF you have version 1.5 or higher of the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin.

If you opt to also send shipment confirmation emails from ShippingEasy, your customers will receive two emails. Learn more about sending emails from ShippingEasy.

This integration allows you to define the Status Mappings for the store connection.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's email address with the order and can send customer shipment confirmation and delivery emails, which are configured in your Store Settings.

ShippingEasy will import the customer's phone number.

ShippingEasy will import the shipping method chosen by the customer at the time of checkout.

ShippingEasy will import the payment method used to pay for the order.

ShippingEasy will import discount and coupon information for the order.

ShippingEasy can determine if an order was placed as a gift.

Notes and comments can only be viewed in ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy will import notes left by the customer at checkout or added to the order once it has been imported to ShippingEasy.

ShippingEasy allows you to consolidate multiple orders from a customer when they go to the same address.

ShippingEasy can split an order to accommodate changes in stock, different shipping locations, or multiple packaging needs.

Ship Date

The shipment status will update in the selling channel once a label is created.

Tracking Number

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of carrier fees when a label is created.

ShippingEasy will display notes left in a shipment once a label is created.

ShippingEasy will update the selling channel of the items sent in a shipment.


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