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How to: Submit your Feature Requests!
ShippingEasy is 100% customer led!
We listen across all channels to ensure our development efforts are focused on the most important features and enhancement...
Add shipping rule to assign tax ID (IOSS, VAT, etc)
You recently added the option of providing appropriate shipper tax IDs when shipping packages. This is required for IOSS, for example.
It would be extremely ...
Create a Zapier integration
It would be nice to have a Zapier integration so I can create a zap to get my customer data from Stripe and create an order in Shippingeasy.
"UNclear" an order
It'd be nice to be able to unclear an order that was cleared from the orders page.
Estimated Delivery Date Functionality for UPS/FedEx
UPS has rolled back its Next Day Air service in rural areas across the states. However, their Next Day Air service can still be selected, and the package wil...
API Access to UPS OneBalance Rate for our shops
I am posting the same thing as another user because he was spot on. This is exactly what I need.
"Is there ever going to be a feature where the API will com...
Uncouple Carrier/Service/Package in Shipping Rules
Right now you have to set Carrier/Service/Package all together in a shipping preset as a shipping rule. However, often the criteria for these three pieces of...
Make Address Book Searchable and Add a Mass Delete Option
It's extremely difficult to maintain the address book. As a result, we have accumulated tons of duplicate records over the years. Allowing you to search woul...
Customer Address Sort
I imported over 3000 customer addresses, but now have no way to SEARCH or SORT them to be able to edit a specific customer address or delete duplicates witho...
Shopify order number prefix
We went to the trouble of using Shopify's order number prefix so we could match our ecommerce orders with order numbers in our ERP software. This allows our...
Drop Shipping Email Notification
Not sure why this isn't automated. It caught me off guard a couple times when customers were emailing asking for tracking information, I thought something w...
Zapier Integration
When will Zapier integration be added to ShippingEasy?
Print Labels in Alphabetical Order
It would be very helpful if labels could be printed in alphabetical order instead of order number sequence. Sometimes the order number is too small to see or...
Add shipment insurance provider default selection; not default to Shipsurance
We primarily use UPS for shipments and we insure our packages through UPS. The Shipment Insurance settings currently default to use Shipsurance. We have to m...
UPS Estimated Arrival Dates
While using a previous service we were able to see an estimated arrival time (guaranteed for UPS) in a little window for each shipment we made. It would be n...
Generate multiple labels for the same order
If you would like to see this feature, please "follow", "vote", and comment!
Mark as Shipped for Other Carriers
I have USPS and UPS set up as carriers, but sometimes a drop-shipped item will be shipped via FedEx. When this happens, and I mark it as shipped, I only have...
Reports optimization
We would like to get reporting data that show ALL orders that enter ShippingEasy, including those that are marked with 'Cleared' status on their respective m...
Shipment Order ID
Hello SE Team,We're having an issue where it's impossible for us to go direct to an order due to the way SE handles order identification. In SE, every order ...
Default SKUs with package dimensions, Hazmat status
I like that there's a default weight to specific SKUs. Cuts down on time to process labels. I get bogged down by other details like package size and Hazmat s...
4"x6" labels but in PDF landscape orientation its 6"x4"
Your setup of 4" x 6" labels doesn't correspond to an accurate representation in the PDFs, because in PDFs the orientation is landscape which means th...
Expand API capabilities and provide better support
Can ShippingEasy provide more API call points (inventory, rules, etc) so there can be more programmatic automation?
Specially for items to update, add, delet...
Customer's Automatic Email
When I print a label, please have the customer’s email sent immediately. I rely on that as one last chance for them see if the address is correct. Currently ...
Mobile App - not the current web link that is very limited
A full proper mobile app like ShipStation has
Ability to easily download PDF of label
A simple button option under the 3 dots menu for "download/print to PDF" when you have automatic label printing on. So you dont have to turn off just do to so.
Better Dashboard Features/Options
Ability to select date ranges and not just today/yesterday/mtd
ability to see a simple - shipped X orders for X dollars for date range
shipped X orders from...
Add eBay Member Name to Contacts Area
When viewing orders, would it be possible to show the eBay member name at the bottom of the buyer's contact info? We need to have the eBay member name in the...
Provide 2 Factor Authorization on User Web Login (2FA)
Need to provide a user account level option to enable 2-Factor Authorization (2FA) for users accessing the Web login.
There is no category for "Feature Req...
Support Scale/Weight Readings in Add Additional Packages Window
The first package automatically gets a reading and populates the weight field from our connected scale; however, for multi-package shipments, we have to manu...