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TikTok Shop Integration
Hi ShippingEase Development Team,
TikTok Shop is starting to become pretty big and we'd love to be able to integrate it with our other platforms shipping thr...
Facebook Shop Integration
Hello! I'd love to know if there is an easy way to integrate with Facebook Shop to manage all orders in shipping easy,
Thank you so much in advance,
Squarespace integrations: include notes
It would be immensely helpful if the integration with Squarespace pulled in notes. Either from a customer, or internal notes on an order, I can work w...
Shipping Rules - Combine / Merge Orders that are going to same address/customer
I am surprised this feature has not been implemented. Is it possible to split orders via shipping rules but not combine them?
The feature would allow for inc...
Michaels Store Integration
Please add Michaels to store integrations
Tracking Tags for repeat customers
I would like to see a feature added to shipping easy where we can be notified when we have repeat customers. Doing so would allow us to write a hand written...
UPS End of Day Manifest
We would like the ability to be able to print an End of Day UPS Manifest for the driver to scan at pickup.
Unable to add shipper VAT number to USPS labels going to the UK
USPS labels in ShipipngEasy are still not compatible with Brexit. There is no drop down menu to add our VAT number for shipments going to the UK like there ...
Syncing Older On-hold Order from Woocommerce
I use WooCommerce for my wholesale website. A number of my customers place orders to be invoiced and paid at a later date. These orders are made with the On-...
Include Commercial Invoice with the shipment confirmation email.
Everyday more international customers are requesting that we provide them with their Commercial Invoice to process their packages through customs. Providing...
One Click Upsell Post Purchase Upsell Issues
We have 15 brands that we have now all migrated over to Shipping Easy -- unfortunately, we weren't aware that Shipping Easy has NOT updated their API to be c...
Please bring back published price
Please bring back the "published price" listed on the Ready to Ship page, nearby the negotiated shipping price. Having this information available is very imp...
Combine orders from multiple stores
Please enable the combining of orders from multiple stores. We have shared customers for multiple stores we run and would love the ability to combine shippin...
Automatically Print Label from Imported CSV
When orders are placed on our site, we automatically import those orders into ShippingEasy. When we want to print the labels for those orders we have to manu...
Import Products from Ecwid Store to ShippingEasy
Please add this feature. inventory is not being updated properly in our ecwid store by shipping easy. We have to way to update our inventory correctly from...
Etsy "From" Name Gift Message Integration
Etsy has added a “who’s this gift from?” field in their gift message options. Is it possible to parse this to the end of ShippingEasy’s gift messages so it’s...
Additional Details on Invalid Address
When you show the red triangle indicating that the address is not valid, I would like to see underlying API data - perhaps by clicking the red triangle icon....
Shopify shops needs to Sync AUTHORIZED status
Shopify has the ability to collect the payment once the order is fulfilled if the payment was Authorized which is different than a simply unpaid order. if yo...
Feature Request - Store Filter
Currently the Store Drop Down filter works with check boxes where a query limits the data - e.g. select orders from account where store = 'store1'. I would ...
Customizable Column in Product Catalog
I have about 1500 unique SKUs that are all media products. They are either Audio CD, Audio cassette, VHS, DVD, HD DVD, DVD Audio, Blu-ray, and/or 4KUHD. It w...
Add bundle items to individual lines on the pick list.
I would like to request a feature to integrate bundled items into the individual item lines of the pick list.
Customer 1 orders a bundle of 5: white...
Please go back to the old manual order form!
We mainly use the manual order form which would be a nice big screen to add the address, etc. Now it's a small side window! This is awful! Please revert back!
Prepaid taxes and duties for the UK and Europe
We love the option to be able to have the duties and taxes prepaid for Canada and would love to see it be an option for the UK (especially since the recent c...
UPS End Of Day/Worldship
Not having an end of day form for ups, the ability to integrate with ups WorldShip or the ability to transmit shipments directly to ups, creating origin scan...
Add Expanded Quantity to Reports
Expanded Quantity from Bundles is clearly something that is already calculated at the Shipping Rule level, I would like to see the option to look at expanded...
Send Sellers an Email When an API Disconnects
Ebay dropped my API again, this seems to be a yearly thing with them as I guess that want people to accept their latest API agreement. Ebay does not send ou...
Magento 2.4.3
Please update what version of Magento you support. I have Magento version 2.4.3 p1 and was disappointed to find out you don’t support this version.
Option to add shipping payment to commercial invoice for international packages
Customers complain they are being charged taxes on a generic shipping rate because none is listed on their commercial invoice from us. We need the option to...
Turn off Shopify shipment notifications
Right now, there is not a way to turn off Shopify shipment notifications for direct orders only for indirect orders from inside Shipping Easy. I only want Sh...
Ability to order UPS Supplies
Now that you are offering UPS shipments it would be nice to include the ability to order UPS supplies.