Wix integration

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OpenCart 2.0 Integration

Opencart recently updated their software in such a way that extensions build for previous versions do not work with the new iteration. As I have already mig...

FedEx International Connect Plus

Please enable this feature on ShippingEasy as soon as possible. It is live on our (Shopify) website. We cannot ship via FedEx on there so we are currently fo...

Jet Marketplace

Do you know if ShippingEasy will be able to integrate with the newest marketplace JET that will be launched publicly this summer? We are currently an author...
  • Staci Harris
  • 0 votes

Mobile app

Mobile app. Your company clearly needs a mobile app when will you have one?
  • Douglas Levere
  • 0 votes

Allow the purchase of third party Insurance

For USPS packages, in the "Insurance Options" section when specifying shipment details, there doesn't appear to be an option to select USPS Insurance, only S...

Integrate with Houzz.com

We have just begun selling our products on Houzz.com. They have a simple shipping back end. We are doing the copy and paste system to have Shipping Easy ship...
  • Douglas Levere
  • 0 votes

How to: Submit your Integrations Requests!

ShippingEasy needs your feedback!   Please help us determine the eCommerce marketplaces, platforms, and carriers to integrate with next.   We listen across a...

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  • ShippingEasy
  • 0 votes

Shopify order number prefix

We went to the trouble of using Shopify's order number prefix so we could match our ecommerce orders with order numbers in our ERP software.  This allows our...
  • Cory Elliott
  • 1 vote

Add Reference 1 and Reference 2 lines in address

Bill to third party - Add Reference 1 and Reference 2 lines in address so you can add PO boxes to those fields. FedEx or UPS - Add reference 1 and reference ...
  • ShippingEasy
  • 0 votes

Zoho CRM integration

Hi,   I would like to suggest to include Zoho CRM Sales Orders integration into ShippingEasy.  Please, consider it in your roadmap. Thank you.
  • Jesus de la Fuente
  • 1 vote

UPS Smart Pickup Integration

Our business has signed up for "UPS Smart Pickup". UPS smart pickup is where the UPS truck only comes and picks up when UPS is notified we have made a shipp...


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  • ShippingEasy
  • 6 votes

Error adding UPS One Balance

I tried to add UPS to One Balance, but after filling out all the fields, I'm getting an error message "Error submitting the form. Please try again." I tried ...

Create a Zapier integration

It would be nice to have a Zapier integration so I can create a zap to get my customer data from Stripe and create an order in Shippingeasy. 

Bringing back cleared orders

It is frustrating that we can't bring back cleared orders. Commonly we have customer whose credit card declines and we notify them of this. Then they call us...

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  • Steven Howland
  • 1 vote

Delivery Notifications for followup emails

It would be awesome to get delivery notifications sent to the recipient and/or a store admin based on the delivery status. If you could set that up with Rule...
  • Evan Saint Clair
  • 0 votes

Import orders from ODBC

We use SE with Amazon.com and Ebay.com sales, but we cannot use it with our main company website sales because that server is local in our server room and ha...
  • Lonnie Kauffman
  • 0 votes

Allow Us to Choose Where Labels are printed on 4x5 labels

When printing labels for the 4x5 option, they are always printed on the top left corner. This creates an issue where the label sheet has leftover labels that...
  • Nick Light
  • 0 votes

Mark as Shipped for Other Carriers

I have USPS and UPS set up as carriers, but sometimes a drop-shipped item will be shipped via FedEx. When this happens, and I mark it as shipped, I only have...
  • Justin Dieters
  • 1 vote

Schedule UPS package pick up from ShippingEasy

Smaller shippers often do not have regularly scheduled package pick-up service with UPS.  As such, having the option to schedule pick-up from the ShippingEas...
  • ShippingEasy
  • 0 votes

TikTok Shop Integration

Hi ShippingEase Development Team, TikTok Shop is starting to become pretty big and we'd love to be able to integrate it with our other platforms shipping thr...

Prevent UPS ground shipping to PO Box

We have had some instances where the shipping crew has shipped UPS Ground packages to PO Boxes. It's kind of an easy error to make since they aren't actually...
  • Steven Howland
  • 0 votes

Shopify Edit Order

Shopify has implemented a new option to edit orders for things like wrong size, wrong item, add an item, etc.  Currently, Shipping Easy leaves the added item...

Update Inventory Qty with API / SQL

I need to be able to update my inventory quantities at SE in a more automatic fashion.  The current API doesn't seem to have a way to do this.

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  • Galen Adams
  • 0 votes

Create Duplicate Shipment

I have used the Create Duplicate Shipment function in the past to create a label for a replacement shipment.  I just realized today that actually updates the...

Quickbooks Online

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  • ShippingEasy
  • 0 votes

Get notified of orders that are from same customers

I have several customers that order from me through GroopDealz.  I have to manually upload the orders.  When the customer's name/address/order number, etc ma...

Show items not linked to a Store or Marketplace?

Is there a way, currently, without clicking into each item one by one, to show which items are not listed to a particular marketplace or any marketplace at a...

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Average Costing Method on Inventory items

Products currently have wholesale price field but this is static. Would be wonderful to have it be dynamic and adjust based on FIFO/LIFO/AVG costing as well ...

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  • Eric Brown
  • 0 votes