When can we start seeing the rate comparison chart between different carriers?


When can we start seeing the rate comparison chart between different carriers and different carrier service? It is really helpful and it will help help save a lot of freight charges with this feature. With the chart, it will save a lot of time clicking up and down of the pull down menu changing back and forth from UPS to USPS to Fedex and each services to compare the best rate. Amazon.com offers this chart during picking of the shipment service. I really hope Shipping Easy can look into incorporating this feature soon. I know for sure it will help everyone to save postage and time.

I've recommended this feature a couple times and I'm wondering if development team looked into it. Thank you.

Official Comment


Great news, everyone! We just released a shipping rate calculator that you can compare across USPS, UPS, and Fedex within ShippingEasy. You can read more about this feature HERE as well.

One thing to note is that this rate calculator is available through logging directly into ShippingEasy. It will not affect the rates your customers are quoted during the check out process.

Please let us know if there is anything else you have questions on and we will be happy to help.

Madilynn T. [ShippingEasy Support]

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Hi Betty,

Thanks so much for this feedback! This is a really interesting idea that I will forward directly to our Product Team. I am not sure if it's in the queue to be added to the app, but I'll make sure they see that you are interested in this. Thanks again! Please keep an eye on this thread for possible future updates.

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I want this feature too. Even if it only takes 30 seconds or so to manually flip through the different shipping options (the current way), it still wastes about an hour a day if you have 100 packages to ship. Please consider implementing this feature.

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Hi Robb,

Thanks for your input. I've forwarded your interest along to our Product Team! Please be sure to "Follow" this thread in case there are updates in the future.

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Yep, agreed with this suggestion. Here are my thoughts on how to present it in the app: I dream of a revamped Your Shipping Cost section (the part at the top) that would be titled Shipping Options and would display my choice of 2 or 3 shipping options. Another way of describing this is to display SEVERAL saved selections at once. So in my case, this Shipping Options section would show UPS Ground and USPS PM and USPS PP, all automatically, on a single "pane of glass", without me needing to remember them as I click through Saved Selections. Each option would have a radio button or some way to select the option I want (maybe like the currently selected package is highlighted in yellow), and the 3 buttons (Add To Cart, Print Now, Print Later) would still be there on the right side.

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Thanks for posting to this thread Lonnie! I've forwarded your personal suggestions to our Product Team, too.

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This comparison is really needed and would save money. It would be a feature worth paying extra for.

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I think it should be as simple as it is with usps, even the notification of you would save...... I cant believe this does not have it I think it is basic for such a program..

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This same suggestion has been made in various forms, but everyone seems to be looking for the same thing.  I can't wait for this feature to be added in!

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Thanks for your feedback everyone! I've forwarded this to our Product Team again for consideration. 

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I would really like to see this too! Please think about this ASAP!!  Thanks!

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To keep this idea alive, I want to give my input on how very import this feature would be.  One of the primary reasons I changed to ShippingEasy was to make comparison between USPS and UPS easier, compared to using the stamps.com application and the UPS marketplace we app.  It's easier with ShippingEasy, but not nearly as easy as it could be.  Right now we have to not only change the carrier selection but also re-input the shipping container sizes to see the different rate, then if the first one was best we have to do it again.  The end result is that shipping is not as easy as it could be.

I feel this could even be a feature to include in your advertising and intro pages and would attract more users to your service.

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I agree.  I don't understand why my own Magento store can do this for my customers, but ShippingEasy can't do it for theirs?

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Hey, nice. A preliminary test of this feature looks nice.

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Hi SE,

It's great to see that this option is finally available but we still need more improvement to make it work. 

1. UPS SurePost and Fedex SmartPost is not available for comparison. These services are used quiet often for many shippers to save on shipping. Would this be available anytime soon?

2. It's nice that the rates are well organized in separate tabs. I like the neat look; but it makes the comparison a little harder because we need to click on separate tab to see the price. It will make is easier if we can see it all on one screen, possible a carrier icon on the side to make it visible which carrier it is.

3. I am not sure if this option will be complicated. But it would be great if we can pick the services that we uses most often (most likely it will vary company to company due to product wt and dimension wt and they're preferred service) to be shown during the comparison. The reason for this is that not all of us will use int'l or express so this can be left out so the list will not be very long.

It will be wonderful #1 & #2 can happen soon and perfect if we can incorporate all three features. For now, we still cannot use this new feature because SmartPost and SurePost is still not available. 

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I agree with Betty. #2 and #3 on her list I also suggested 9 months ago (4th reply on this thread).

The key is customized data displayed on one pane of glass. Betty is correct that each business will need different data displayed for maximum efficiency.

SE already does this concept of customized display with Saved Selections, so I am guessing/hoping that this same concept can be put to use here with this rate calculator.

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We greatly appreciate your detailed feedback. We are planning to expand to Browse Rates tool in the future and will take your feedback into account as we plan future expansions. This is our first iteration of the multi-carrier rate comparison and we will expand it in the future. 

Fedex Smartpost and UPS Sureposts are on the list to include in the future. We do not have an exact date for these features yet, but since we have released the feature yesterday we have heard this request from a few customers. 

When building out the browse rate tool, we did have to keep each carrier to it's own separate tab due to the way that we connect up to each carrier is unique. As customers can have their own UPS and Fedex negotiated rates and we connect up via their Shipping APIs, this is what leads to the separate page. 

This third idea is something we are considering to add in for future expansions. We are even investigating the option of creating saved selections from the Browse Rates tool, but it will be a future addition.

Thank you very much for your feedback, we are certainly going to be making updates to this new feature and it's very helpful.

Madilynn T. [ShippingEasy Product] 

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and please! not just comparison between shipping services-- but the box type as well.  Many times I have to compare between my own box or a regional rate box or a flat rate...  I'm on the shippingeasy trial membership now but I'm actually going to be sticking with stamps.com instead and paying $15 a month because I think its worth it because they offer this feature.

 Rather than clicking every single box option that may work, when I click on their site, it shows me a drop down list with the different box options AND their shipping cost for my weight.  

If I could get this option I would be willing to switch for sure.  Thanks!

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Hello Valerie,

This is something that our Browse Rates feature does support! You can compare box types under this selection. You can see a sample image of what this looks like this in the link and you can read more about this feature HERE. 

With this feature, you can easily compare between regional rate boxes, flat rate, and your own packaging if you have the dimensions of the box entered in. 

Please let us know if you have any additional questions- we will be happy to help.

Madilynn T. [ShippingEasy Product]

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Hi Madilynn,

     I think the request we are all waiting for was to compare the different carriers.  This still doesn't quite do it as you need to click through the different carriers to get the rates.

     I can't speak for everyone, but I was hoping for a unified list:

Service Package Speed Price
Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope 2 Days $5.60
Priority Mail Flat Rate Small Envelope 2 Days $5.60
Priority Mail Flat Rate Legal Envelope 2 Days $5.60
Priority Mail Flat Rate Window Envelope 2 Days $5.60
Priority Mail Flat Rate Gift Card Envelope 2 Days $5.60
Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box 2 Days $5.90
Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope 2 Days $5.90
Priority Mail Thick Envelope (3/4") 2 Days $8.14
Priority Mail Package 2 Days $8.14
Priority Mail Regional Rate A Box 2 Days $10.77
Priority Mail Medium Flat Rate Box 2 Days $11.60
FedEx Home Delivery (Up to 7 Days) Package 3-7 Days $14.34
Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box 2 Days $15.85
Priority Mail Large Board Game Box 2 Days $15.85
Priority Mail Regional Rate B Box 2 Days $17.09
UPS Ground (Up to 5 days) Package 3-5 Days $19.06
Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope 1-2 Days $20.66
Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Padded Envelope 1-2 Days $20.66
Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Legal Envelope 1-2 Days $20.66
Priority Mail Large Envelope/Flat 2 Days $22.01
Standard Overnight (~3pm) FedEx Envelope 1 Days $28.02
Priority Overnight (~10:30am) FedEx Envelope 1 Days $29.25
FedEx Express Saver (3 days) Package 3 Days $29.72
FedEx Express Saver (3 days) Package 3 Days $29.72
FedEx Express Saver (3 days) FedEx Tube 3 Days $32.25
FedEx 2Day (2 days) Package 2 Days $36.75
FedEx 2Day (2 days) Package 2 Days $36.75
FedEx 2Day (2 days) FedEx Box 2 Days $36.75
FedEx 2Day (2 days) FedEx Tube 2 Days $40.11
FedEx 2Day A.M. (2 days) Package 2 Days $41.71
FedEx 2Day A.M. (2 days) Package 2 Days $41.71
FedEx 2Day A.M. (2 days) FedEx Box 2 Days $41.71
UPS 3 Day Select ® Package 3 Days $42.73
FedEx 2Day A.M. (2 days) FedEx Tube 2 Days $45.57
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The Browse Rates option is less than optimal but useful.  What I find bothersome is that if I update the packaging information, size for example, when I find the rate I want to use and click Select that information is not carried through to the shipping screen.  Anything we specify before "Select" should be sticky.  Same if we override the weight. 

Another issue, the options presented on the Browse Rates page should be filtered based on the information shown on the order information.  For example, we shouldn't see Flat Rate Envelope for an item 24x12x8 that weighs 50 pounds, or any of the flat rate options for that example.  Currently too many options to scroll through, many of which are not actually available for the specific order.

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Hello All,

I agree with Steve. Hence, we are not using this feature at all.

Preferable we can select the service we need, unless the feature can detect to show only the services that is available for particular package size and weight?

For instance we ship packages in dimension of 14x10x6, it's not necessary to show.

Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope 2 Days $5.60
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It would be more useful if you could select in settings what you would like to see. Like only Fedex ground or Fedex ground and priority mail by weight excluding express, flat rate etc. Then the list would be manageable to what is relevant to the user. Agree there are too many choices to list everything.

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Hello all,

We greatly appreciate your feedback. The new Rate Calculator tool was added to improve the previous Browse Rates tool-  but we understand there are still improvements that can be added to improve the user experience. We have documented these use cases for consideration and will consider potential updates that could help to resolve these. 

I have documented the requests to select which services are listed through a setting. I have also documented a request to elect to see service like "USPS flat rate" if you are always shipping your own custom packages. We have also documented a request to make the weights and the edits sticky between each edit. 

One request that we have heard that we unfortunately will not be able to build out is viewing all carriers on a single screen. Each carrier, such as UPS, Fedex, and USPS, has to be listed on a separate tab as each carrier has their own separate API for rate quoting. Our rate calculator will feature separate tabs for each carrier for the foreseeable future due to the way we connect to each carrier and negotiated rates on Fedex and UPS. 

Thank you all for your continued feedback. We are continuing to consider updates to the Rate Calculator and your feedback is greatly helpful as we weigh different use cases and considerations.

Madilynn T. [ShippingEasy Product] 

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