How do I mark my LuLaRoe orders to be shipped in BLESS?
Your LuLaRoe orders must be marked as needing to be shipped in BLESS to sync to ShippingEasy. Orders must have the Ship This Order option checked and appear on the Shipping Management page in BLESS.
You can access the Shipping Management page in BLESS by hovering over the Sales drop-down menu and selecting Shipping.
Verify that the Ship This Order option is checked for the order under the Order Items section.
To make it easier for orders to be marked as Ship This Order and subsequently synced to ShippingEasy, there is an option on a Pop-Up to Ship All Orders By Default. This can be set on new Pop-Ups and when you edit an existing Pop-Up.
Ship Order on LuLaRoe BLESS Mobile
You will see a toggle button for the Ship Order option when creating a new order in the LuLaRoe BLESS mobile app.
Verify that this option is toggled on to send the order to ShippingEasy.
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