Re-run Shipping Rules
If you need to re-run shipping rules after an order has arrived from your store, we make it easy to do that. This can be especially useful when initially defining your shipping rules or if you need to test changes to your rules.
Re-running shipping rules will also assign weights from your Product Catalog to match SKU's in your orders. This can be helpful if your orders synced without weights, prior to setting up your products in ShippingEasy. Weight-specific rules are not necessary for weights to be applied.
Order Changes when Re-running Shipping Rules
Re-running shipping rules will revert order data back to the initial values when first synced to ShippingEasy. This means any changes made to orders after they are synced from your store will be lost. Additionally, any orders that have been split or combined will trigger a re-running of shipping rules and cannot be reverted back once finished.
To re-run Shipping Rules:
Go to the ORDERS page and check the box(es) next to one or more orders.
Click the MORE menu and choose Rerun Shipping Rules.
A message will appear alerting you that any edits they’ve made to the order will be lost.
Click OK to confirm that you want to re-run shipping rules.
That's it!
Selected orders will be removed from the ORDERS page until all shipping rules have been applied to the order. If you refresh your browser you will see the orders listed again. If you selected more than 25 orders, you will receive an email when the running of the shipping rules has been completed for all selected orders.
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