Use Barcode Scanning with ShippingEasy
Time is money, and errors are expensive. So, saving time and reducing errors is important. Using a barcode scanner can reduce packing errors. A barcode scanner can also speed up your shipping process. ShippingEasy's support for barcode scanning enables both.
Pick and pack quality control systems reduce errors. To use a pick and pack quality control system, you must enter accurate order information. ShippingEasy barcodes can help!
ShippingEasy can display barcodes on a packing slip or a pick list. ShippingEasy can display any of an order's variables as a barcode. Learn more about order variables for packing slips and pick lists.
Two fields frequently displayed as a barcode are order number and item SKU. In this example, the packing slip and pick list have order numbers and SKU barcodes. Both are ready for use with a pick and pack quality control system.
Most pick and pack systems require scanning the order number barcode first. Then scan each SKU barcode as you pack items in the box. One example of a pick and pack quality control system is Groovepacker. Learn more about using Groovepacker with ShippingEasy.
To begin, go to SETTINGS then BARCODES > SCAN SHEETS > Shipping Presets tab and print the barcode scan sheet.
Using your scan sheet, scan the barcode for the order number to load the order on the ORDERS page.
If the weight of the package needs to be updated, scan the barcode to adjust a shipment's weight. Learn how to edit weights.
If you need to select a different carrier, service, or packaging, scan a barcode for a Saved Selection. Learn how to apply a saved preset.
Scan the barcode for printing a shipping label.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each shipment.
If your store has an inventory management system that deducts orders once a SKU barcode is scanned, ShippingEasy's inventory management feature also allows for item SKUs to be displayed as barcodes on packing slips.
If you frequently ship orders one by one from the ORDERS page, adding an order number barcode to your packing slip template can save you from having to scan each individually.
Packing slip templates use variables to reference information from your ShippingEasy account and orders. Customizing packing slips to fit your needs is as simple as shipping your packages! Learn more about customizing your packing slips.
In the formatting section, locate the Barcode Type field. Expand the menu to choose the barcode type you want to use.
The barcode options include:
Code 128
Code 25
Code 25 IATA
Code 25 Int
Code 39
Code 93
EAN 13
UPC Supplemental
The default variable will display the order number as regular text:
To display the order number barcode attribute, add an additional barcode: attribute, after a | pipe. Then specify the type of barcode. Learn more about barcode scanning in ShippingEasy.
For example, this will show the code128 style barcode:
{{shipment.order_number | barcode: 'code128'}}
The order number barcode is small by default. Though, it can be printed in one of three sizes:
To use a different size, specify the size in the attribute within the quotes:
For example, this will display a medium-size barcode:
{{shipment.order_number | barcode: 'code128 medium'}}
If you frequently use pick lists, adding an order number or item SKU barcode to your pick list can save you time and help make the picking process more efficient. This can be very helpful if your store uses an external inventory management system like Groovepacker that deducts orders once a barcode is scanned.
Under "Label Sizes & Printing Options", click PICK LISTS.
In the formatting section, locate the Barcode Type field. Expand the menu to choose the barcode type you want to use.
The barcode options include:
Code 128
Code 25
Code 25 IATA
Code 25 Int
Code 39
Code 93
EAN 13
UPC Supplemental
Within the "Column Selection" section, click the blue Edit button.
The ARRANGE COLUMNS dialog will appear. Determine which Barcode you would like to display:
Order #: this will reference the order number
Item SKU: this will reference the item SKU
Amazon #: this will reference the item's Amazon Order Number
Move the Barcode option from "Available columns" to "Show columns in this order".
Arrange the columns in the sequence you want them to appear on the pick lists. The topmost option will be the left-most column.
For example, this shipper will have columns displayed in the following order on their picklist.
Once finished, click the blue Update button.
If you'd like to preview the size and placement of the barcodes, select the blue Preview button.
Once you're satisfied, click the blue Save button.
A barcode scanner can save you time by eliminating the use of the keyboard and mouse. In ShippingEasy, you can use a barcode scanner for several operations on the ORDERS page.
When you point your scanner to the barcode, the ORDERS page responds. All you need is a barcode scan sheet. Each scan sheet has specific barcodes along with a description of each barcode.
Below is an example of a PDF downloaded from ShippingEasy that shows six Shipping Preset barcodes:
The "Shipping Presets" tab is selected.
Click Download Scan Sheet to the right of the page to download the barcodes for your Shipping Presets.
Open the downloaded PDF file and print it.
Click "Batch Actions".
To download the barcodes for the ORDERS page actions, click Download Scan Sheet.
Open the downloaded PDF file and print it.
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