Orders Not Updating to Store as Shipped | Troubleshoot
Orders from your integrated store are downloaded into ShippingEasy. Once they have been shipped, ShippingEasy should update your store with this status change. The specific information that is updated will depend on the integration and carrier service selected. Learn more about your stores' integration.
On rare occasions, ShippingEasy will be unable to update some of your orders' statuses back to your store. There is a simple filter in your SHIPMENT HISTORY to help you isolate which orders failed to update. Learn how to filter by shipments that failed to update.
The following are some of the reasons that your order may have failed to update:
Read through the following issues for troubleshooting tips that apply to all stores:
If you noticed that all your orders from one of your stores have not updated back to your store, then it is best to confirm that your store is connected to ShippingEasy.
We will display an ALERT in the top right of your account if there is a problem with your store's connection.
You can also verify your store connection by going to SETTINGS >> STORES & ORDERS.
If your store is disconnected, refer to your store's integration guide for steps to authenticate your integration credentials.
If you have integrated your store via a plugin, ShippingEasy may not recognize that your store is disconnected. Though, your callback path may contain a typo or be set up incorrectly.
Refer to your store's integration guide for steps to verify your integration credentials and callback path.
In many cases, it is advantageous to post-date labels and delay the notification back to your store. If you have post-dated the label, double-check if you have opted to have ShippingEasy delay the notification back to your store. Learn how to Delay a Shipment Notice to Store for Post-Dated Labels.
On occasion, we will run into a weak connection when communicating to your store. If the connection is dropped before we have finished updating your order, then the order will not be successfully updated. To confirm if this was the cause, there is a quick way to retry the store order update from your Shipment History. Learn how to Update a Store with Shipment Tracking.
There may be an inventory-related issue with one or more of the products in this order. Verify within your store platform that there is adequate inventory.
Once inventory levels are corrected, you can retry the store order update. Learn how to update a store with Shipment Tracking.
While there are many benefits to editing line items for specific orders, this can also prevent ShippingEasy from locating the original order record once the order has been shipped. Learn what happens with store statuses if you edit an order line item.
There are a few reasons why an order may have already been updated as shipped in your store. In any of these cases, ShippingEasy is unable to update an order once it has been marked shipped.
You shipped it via another solution.
The status was manually within your store platform.
Your store platform automatically changed its status.
You previously shipped the order via ShippingEasy, and ...
The original shipment was canceled.
The original shipment was duplicated.
A return label was created for the order.
The following issues relate to store-specific orders.
If this is occurring on Amazon orders, you may need to wait 20 minutes for your store orders to update. This is due to throttling. Learn why your Amazon shipments may not show as Shipped.
After a label has been purchased in ShippingEasy, the order in Rithum will be updated with the shipping carrier and service, tracking number, shipment date, and quantity shipped. If you have not added the carrier and service selected to Rithum, then ShippingEasy cannot complete the status update.
If you are continuing to experience issues with orders not marking as Shipped in your store, please contact our Customer Success team to take a further look. Please provide the team with:
Your account name
Store platform
1-2 order numbers that are experiencing this issue
Shift4Shop (formerly 3dcart) merchants can customize the names of their folders/statuses. However, ShippingEasy only recognizes a shipped status if it is named "Shipped." Learn more about this restriction as well as how to view your Shift4Shop custom statuses.
WooCommerce Legacy
If you are still shipping with a WooCommerce Legacy account, we recommend migrating to the new WooCommerce store integration. ShippingEasy can only update your WooCommerce Legacy orders if your site is running on HTTPS. Learn more about the ShippingEasy Legacy Plugin for WooCommerce.
If only your WooCommerce orders are not importing, this usually has to do with site speed. Since WooCommerce stores are self-hosted, it's important to check that your server speed is fast enough. Slow sites may cause connections to time out.
Check the site speed at https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
ShippingEasy may not be able to download orders if the speed is slower than 200 ms.
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