Search Shipped Orders on the SHIPMENT HISTORY Page
Once you've shipped an order, there are a number of reasons you may need to locate it again: exchanges, returns, tracking, reprinting labels, or packing slips.
ShippingEasy lets you define your search by typing keywords into the search tool on the SHIPMENT HISTORY page.
To search by keyword:
Use the search box to the left of your order history to type in keywords. You can use this tool to search by name or order number.
Limit your search to one keyword, such as "Underwood" instead of "Claire Underwood" for best results.
Spaces are not recognized and will produce no results if entered in the search.
Lowercase is not a factor. For instance, either of these searches would produce the same results:
Dashes in certain transaction numbers are recognized. You should be able to search by the entire number or just a portion of it. For instance, any of these iterations would work:
If you are still unable to locate your shipped orders when searching, consider filtering your shipments using the filters on the left side of the Shipment History page.
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Tags:- #pendo
- shipping
- ship
- returns
- reprint
- tracking
- order
- shipped
- answerbot_article_public
- shipments
- orders
- searching
- drop
- look
- find
- locate
- lookup
- tracing
- dropship
- dropshipped
- finding