Update My ShippingEasy Password or Login Email
Whether you have a new employee or your password needs to be updated, both changes are often necessary to ensure your business's security. We have made it simple to update these as often as necessary.
Log in to ShippingEasy with your existing login email and password.
Click the drop-down menu to the right of your name and select My Profile.
Password Fields
Any time your Profile page is accessed, the password fields will be blank for your privacy.
Click the Change Password button.
Enter the following, required information. Then, click the Save button.
Current Password
New Password - Must be a minimum of 8 characters.
Confirm New Password
Your profile password will be updated and a confirmation email will be sent. Verify the password reset by logging out of and back into ShippingEasy using your new credentials.
Each user has a unique email address that is used to log in to your ShippingEasy account. ShippingEasy will also use this email address to send important communications. You may update your email login anytime.
Sign in to https://app.shippingeasy.com/ with the existing login email and password.
Click the V dropdown next to the name and select My Profile.
In the "My Profile" section, update your Email to a valid email address.
Click Save to complete the update. A notification will be sent to both your old and updated email addresses alerting you of the change.
Once the profile is updated, it is a good idea to log out and back in with the new credentials to test.
Be sure to note that your email has been updated. Our login page will display a CAPTCHA if five attempts with an invalid email address have been attempted.
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