Configure USB Scale for ConnectEasy
Scale integration reduces human error and the time required for data entry and assists in calculating the exact postage you need to save money.
ConnectEasy is a versatile app that interfaces with ShippingEasy to integrate your hardware, such as your scale. ConnectEasy supports all USB scales from these manufacturers:
- 5 lb and 70 lb capacity scales.
Rollo for Mac OS X 10.9 or newer and Windows
Wireless Scales Not Supported
Wireless scales are not supported for use with ConnectEasy.
Verify that your scale is connected and powered on and that ConnectEasy is installed and configured.
See our ConnectEasy installation guides for Mac and Windows.
Open ConnectEasy on your computer.
Select the Scales tab. Check the box to Enable Scales.
On the SCALE CONFIGURATION page, click Refresh Scale List to list your scale.
Select your scale from the list:
Verify that your scale displays weight by adding weight to the scale. The weight that appears in the fields should match the reading on the scale:
Weight Display
If the weight from your scale does not appear, it may be necessary to click the Save button and then click the Get Weight button again.
Click Save.
On the BATCHES page, if your scale is registering a weight, it will be automatically displayed in pounds and ounces fields:
Remove the package from the scale so that the scale displays a weight of zero if you want to enter a different weight than what the scale registered,
Click the Update button to get an updated rate quote for the shipment. You will see the weight on the scale change, and the Update button will be enabled on the BATCHES page.
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