Create a Prepaid Return Label from Global Search

If your customer needs to return an item to you, ShippingEasy allows you to purchase and generate a prepaid label. Learn more about Prepaid Return labels and how to refund unused labels.

Merchants with carefully crafted brands can customize their Return Shipping emails. Learn how to save a new email template to your store. If you would like to be up and running in a snap, ShippingEasy offers a default prepaid return shipment email.

Customers can only receive an email confirmation if an email address is included in their order details.

Depending on how many return labels you need, there are a couple of places within the app where returns can be created from:

This article describes how to create and buy a prepaid return label from Global Search.

Buy Prepaid Return Label

After you have created the prepaid return label, you will be directed to the ORDERS page.

toast message after Prepaid return label is created on Shipment History, Order sent to Orders

Once there you will see that the address and shipping method for the return label will duplicate the original shipment by default.

After you have reviewed the order if there are no further edits to make, click the Buy Label button.

Return label on orders page with order details showing and button to buy label highlighted

This will charge the appropriate carrier account for the postage amount of the return shipment. The label will move to the SHIPMENT HISTORY page.


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