Shipments to Germany - Packaging Act Requirements

All manufacturers and retailers that sell or ship packaged goods to consumers in Germany are required to adhere to Germany's VerpackG (Packaging Act), which relates to the collection and recycling of packaging materials.

A single national authority, Zentrale Stelle, operates the LUCID Packaging Register, implements the Packaging Act, and assumes essential tasks for this purpose, including providing a platform for declaration. This obligation applies regardless of the kind of packaging for producers of:

  • Packages subject to system participation: Retail, grouped, and shipment packaging.

  • Packages not subject to system participation: Transport packaging, reusable packaging, and single-use beverage packaging, which are subject to a deposit.

View the LUCID Packaging Register graphic to help delineate between packaging subject to system participation and packaging not to system participation. You can also view the LUCID Packaging Register's frequently asked questions for the most up-to-date information.


Packages not sent through commercial activity, such as gifts or donations, do not need to follow the Packaging Act guidelines.

What You Need To Do

When you send packages to Germany as an online retailer, you are responsible for:

  1. Completing the LUCID Packaging Register to receive your identification number. ShippingEasy recommends appointing an authorized representative to act on your behalf when you register with the LUCID Packaging Register since it lifts the responsibility off your business.

    If you choose not to use a representative, you will register as a Producer.

    If there is no registration, packaged goods can no longer ship to Germany. This distribution ban also applies to downstream distributors. A producer failing to register may be subject to a fine of up to €100,000.

  2. Updating your buyers on returns and recycling options. The Packaging Act requires sellers to provide this information to German buyers. You can communicate it in your packing slip messages or store's terms and conditions.

  3. Adding your LUCID identification number to your Etsy and eBay stores. If you sell on other marketplaces, please contact their customer support to get more information.

What Needs to be Done in ShippingEasy


Your LUCID registration number does not print on your label. Germany's Central Agency Packaging Register has internal systems that match outbound packages with your LUCID identification number without you having to enter it when purchasing your label.


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