Unsubscribe Contacts from Marketing Emails | How To

Preventing marketing emails from reaching customers who have opted out of communications from your business respects their preferences and builds their trust in your brand. You can unsubscribe customers one at a time on their profile page or unsubscribe multiple contacts at once from the CONTACTS page.

Contacts Unavailable for Marketing Emails

Contacts are automatically marked as "Not available for marketing" if ShippingEasy detects that the attempted email delivery bounced.

Unsubscribe a Single Contact

  1. Select MARKETING and click CONTACTS from the navigation sidebar.

    Side navigation bar showing Marketing and Contacts highlighted
  2. Locate the specific Contact you want to update marketing preferences for on the CONTACTS page. Click the Contact name to open the Contact profile page.

    single contact marked
  3. Uncheck the box next to Available for Marketing under the Contact Information section.

  4. Confirm you would like to permanently opt-out the Contact from marketing emails.


A message will appear confirming that the Contact has been opted out:


On the Contact's profile page, Not Available for Marketing will now show in place of the Available for Marketing checkbox, indicating that the customer can only be sent transactional emails.


Unsubscribe Multiple Contacts

  1. Select MARKETING and click CONTACTS from the navigation sidebar.

    Side navigation bar showing Marketing and Contacts highlighted
  2. Check the box next to each Contact name that you want to unsubscribe.

    checkbox next to names marked
  3. Click the Actions button and select Unsubscribe from the drop-down menu.


    A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to permanently unsubscribe the selected Contacts.

  4. Click the Unsubscribe # Contacts button in the pop-up window.



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